
Giving Back to the Community

Giving Back to the Community

People are always looking for ways to give back to the communities that they are in, and one of the most giving types of organizations tends to be the collectors’ car clubs.  These are the groups that often go around working with places such as Toys for Tots,
and other charity organizations for Christmas drives as well as numerous other events that are designed to help raise money for various charities.

Many car clubs organize charity drives.  These are great ways for members to get out and enjoy each other’s company while driving around and showing off their cars and raising money for charity at the same time.  Different clubs are involved with different charities and some are involved with none at all.  There are even some clubs that are very heavily involved and encourage members to do as much as possible for the benefit of the charity of their choice.

Deciding how much you are comfortable doing for the charity is very important.  If you do not enjoy doing extensive work for charities, it is a good idea to check with the car club before joining to see if they are involved.  Also, ensure that you know exactly what is expected of you so that there are no surprises and you can plan accordingly.  Most people are more than happy to help give back to their community, especially if they know in advance what is expected of them.

If you are creating a new car club, the choice is up to you to decide what should be expected from members.  Most clubs have at least one charity run a year that they allow members to sign up for, and additionally they usually make the event a voluntary occurrence.  There are very few car clubs that require members to participate in the charity work that they do simply because not everyone agrees with all charities.  

If you enjoy the idea of helping out different charities then a car club can be a great place to start, especially since most do offer some form of fundraiser.  Working with those that you enjoy spending time with, looking at great cars and driving around the car of your dreams is certainly a great way to raise money and with a bit of luck you can do fairly well at it as well.  The entire situation is usually a great winning scenario and leaves car clubs with a really great impression on people.

This is especially important in those areas where a lot of people have bad impressions about car clubs.  Many tend to compare car clubs to gangs and other community problems, despite the fact that they are vastly different.  Working with charities can help cast your club in a good light and make everyone happy that they are able to help give back a bit to the community. 

If your club does not currently do anything for charity, you should consider it; this is a great way to help out.  Spending just a single day a year can be a huge help for those that are struggling so much, and since the money raised is from donations of other people it does not hurt anything and can be a lot of fun if the activities are organized well.  So work with your car club and organize a great way that you can help support a local charity. 


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